Deep in the Creative Hub -

That's Me!

I'm a hands-on creator, shaping the physical world with my fingertips while finding endless fascination in the intangible realms of digital possibilities. And when I'm knee-deep in my work (and not), you'll find me grooving to electronic beats; it's like my personal shot of caffeine!

Always eager to be more physically active, I seek out new adventures and challenges to keep both body and mind engaged. But it's not just about solo pursuits; I thrive on bringing people together, orchestrating group trips where friends bond over shared experiences and unforgettable memories.

gif of small clips of me doing various activities
Ever growing list of
things that I love to do
kermit loving gif
Sewing Clothes
Sewing Clothes
Leather Making
Leather Making
Jewelry Making
Jewelry Making
3D Printing
3D printing + Fusion 360
Landscape Photography